Monday, November 28, 2011

11 28 to 12 4

mon 10 railbed tempo 9.5 miles 5735 i felt way better than i expected so I decided to make up for not finishing yesterdays workout. ran really well on the way out but kind of fell apart the last 3 miles. still a solid time for this run. plantar fascia was really bad the second half. hopefully it won't get worse.
weds 10 track workout 2x800, 4x400, 4x200, 400 rest on the 8's, 200 on the rest of it. 235,235,76,74,76,74,36,35,34,32 wanted to keep it on the easy side since it was the third workout in four days, and i was able to do that. i was only a little flat, but it kept me from running too fast, which should result in being fully recovered for the race saturday.
thurs 11 felt good walking around at work all day, but super tired during the run. got the old nintendo hooked up again, and my tetris skills are not sharp. best score of the day was 387,000. not great. ive decided to make najem my unofficial tetris apprentice. he has a strong desire to improve. the potential is there.
sat decided not to go to boston for an indoor 3k. raced 10 miles solo on the railbed in 5944. i ran it as hard as i could. i feel really good about it.
sun easy 10

1 comment:

  1. I'm inspired to now drag out my old NES and smoke locs at Tetris.... I'll let you know if I do. Although I never achieved your status I do recall flirting with the low 400,000s.
